Besties and Babies


This is what it looks like when two long-time friends are juggling their babies and trying to get out the door to the airport, then suddenly realize they haven’t taken a single picture together all week and need to grab a quick “selfie”.

I call it, “Best-Friends-With-Babies-Selfie”. Also known as a masterpiece photo.

This sums up the week on Oahu.

Lots of quality time with my friend, Erin. Lots of snuggle time with her newborn, Hendrix. Lots of juggling of kids, schedules, meals, and hormones. And lots of goofy grins.

I am so grateful to have spent this time with her and her beautiful family. Erin has been a mother since the moment I met her. Just now, she has a baby of her own. She was always taking care of little ones – and us bigger ones – and keeping us fed and giving sage advice and having that maternal instinct. I sure as heck benefited from her natural mom abilities, so I know baby Hendrix is one lucky little fella.

We shared quiet moments, and dueling babies crying quite loudly in the backseat moments. And lots of white noise. The sound of the “waves” app still makes me want to pee my pants. There was delicious food shared, which is kind of a given when you hang with Erin. The girl is the original Domestic Goddess. Even with a 3-week old, she’s making spaghetti sauce and sausage and deliciousness. Mmmmm. Somehow we accomplished a whole lot and a whole lot of nothing all at once. Divine.

And my goodness, my daughter and I slept well! I write this last part as a whisper cause Erin was nursing the baby all night long and did not share in this sleep, but that’s her job right now and she’s doing great at it. Still, no one needs sleep rubbed in their bleary-eyed face.

It was worth the trip and the tears on the plane ride home.

Good thing we have this picture to help us remember later on 🙂

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